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The top causes of gray divorce 

On Behalf of | Dec 27, 2024 | Family Law

Divorce on the whole has declined in recent decades, with one exception- gray divorce. Gray divorce refers to couples aged 50 and over. 

There are numerous reasons why gray divorce has increased, but there are some interesting trends that warrant further exploration. Here are some of the top causes of gray divorce. 

Views on marriage have changed 

The world has evolved, and this includes perspectives on marriage. Marriage was once a taboo subject and it was viewed as a last resort. Now, couples no longer feel pressured to stay together if they are unhappy. People aged 50 and over are starting to carefully consider whether they are truly happy in their relationship. If the answer is no, then there is less pressure to remain in an unfulfilling marriage. 

Gender roles have changed 

Traditional gender roles have shifted in recent decades. Women have better access to career opportunities and can achieve financial independence. Previously, there may have been economic barriers to divorce and leaving the relationship may have placed a spouse in financial jeopardy. 

Empty nest syndrome 

Empty nest syndrome is a phenomenon that can be closely tied to gray divorce rates. As children grow up, they gain more independence and move out of the family home. The same happens with grandchildren. Eventually, they become adults and head off to college or start their own families.  

The resulting empty nest leaves people over 50 with a lot of time to reflect. It also means that issues in the marriage may be highlighted. Couples may find that they have little in common anymore and that it is time for a change. 

If you are considering divorce, it’s important to gather as much information as possible. Seeking legal guidance will also help to protect your rights.    

