Do You Require Mediation To Resolve A Dispute?
Mediation is a time-tested method of resolving legal disputes outside of court. In some legal practice areas, such as in child custody disputes, judges may require disputants to go through mediation before bringing a matter back to the courtroom. In other situations, such as in business disputes, mediation may be an attractive option for avoiding publicity, as well as the high costs of a trial.
In mediation, a neutral mediator guides parties in a dispute to arrive at an acceptable resolution that may then be filed in a court. Each party may or may not be represented by an attorney, but the mediator leads the dispute resolution sessions. Advantages of mediation include:
- The people who will be most strongly impacted by the outcome of a dispute are the ones engaged in crafting it. This is in contrast to a courtroom battle where a judge who does not know the parties well will make decisions.
- The parties in a dispute can stay in control of scheduling, rather than facing rigid courtroom schedules.
- Mediation, like other forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), is often more economical than a trial.
- Mediation keeps proceedings private. In contrast, court records may remain public forever.
Wells Peyton Partain Baldo & Lighty, LLP, often represents clients in mediation over various disputes that would otherwise go through traditional litigation leading to trial.
Introducing Our Team Members Who Are Mediators
In addition to quality legal representation for our clients resolving conflicts, Wells Peyton Partain Baldo & Lighty, LLP, offers the services of our two certified mediators for clients of other law firms. Our mediators are:
Some individuals request our mediation services directly rather than going through a more traditional pathway of litigation.
Attorney Referrals Are Welcome
If you are an attorney seeking a private mediator for your case, please contact our firm to speak with one of our trusted attorneys. We welcome inquiries from individuals and law firms requesting information on our mediation services and representation in mediation elsewhere.
Get In Touch
To request a consultation, call 409-359-8947 or inquire through this website.