Has Your Business Or Personal Property Been Targeted In A Premises Liability Claim?
Every time someone steps onto your property, they are expecting to be safe. If someone gets injured, you could be sued. It is your responsibility to maintain a safe property; however, unforeseen things can happen anywhere. If someone gets hurt on your property, you will likely need defense from a premises liability claim. Even before you hear from the other side, you should call a lawyer right away. It is important to get all the facts of the case as soon and as fully as possible.
How To Fight A Claim
Many factors go into a claim when someone is injured on someone else’s property. Every case presents a unique set of facts. Understanding the law can be difficult, which is why you should have the help of a lawyer when fighting a claim. All evidence and details need to be considered to develop an effective defense strategy for your business or for you personally if an incident occurs on your home property. Our experienced attorneys know exactly what to look for. They can get your case underway right away.
How Does The Court View A Visitor To Your Property?
Legally speaking, someone who was injured at your home or business may fall into one of these categories:
- Invitee
- Trespasser
- Social guest
- Licensee
Evaluation of each vantage point may influence the outcome of a premises liability case. Our knowledge of both the law and the local court systems will help us build compelling arguments in your favor. If you are about to be sued by someone or you were injured and believe you have a valid premises liability claim against a property owner, we can help.
Contact An Experienced Premises Liability Defense Lawyer
We will gladly listen to your story and recommend a course of action as you approach a dispute over an injury on your property (or your injury on someone else’s property). Call Wells Peyton Partain Baldo & Lighty, LLP, at 409-359-8947 or send an email inquiry through this website.