Here on social media, people often post everything that’s going on in their lives. They’ll have their relationship status noted, for instance, and they may change it if they get divorced.
But a lot of people go much further than this. They post pictures or status updates about the divorce process, or about their ex. While everyone has the option to use social media in any way that they see fit, it is often not wise to post about your divorce on social media. Let’s consider a few reasons why.
It can make things more difficult
First of all, making these posts might just make the divorce process longer, more expensive and more difficult. Perhaps your ex was willing to cooperate with you and easily split up your property. If you write a post blaming them for the divorce and ranting about all the things that they did in the relationship, they could change their mind and decide that they’re going to fight over every tiny little asset the two of you own. It might have felt good to write that post in the moment, but you’ve actually made life much harder for yourself in the long run.
What you post can be used in court
Additionally, the things that you post about your divorce could wind up in court as evidence for that divorce. If you’re trying to get child custody, for example, but your social media profile is full of posts where you’re complaining about how you now have to watch the children all the time, it’s not going to paint you in a good light. The court may be more likely to give custody to your ex in a situation like that.
You cannot take it back
You can delete posts off of your social media profile, but it’s wise to always think of the internet as a place where information lasts forever. If you made an angry post or said something that you’ll regret, someone else can easily take a screenshot of that post. It may only be up for a few seconds, but that’s enough for you to entirely lose control of it. You can’t take it back, so any negative impact on the court case is there forever. The stakes are quite high.
This is just one thing to think about as you move toward a divorce. Be sure that you are well aware of all the legal steps you need to take.