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3 ways to help your child during divorce

On Behalf of | Mar 17, 2023 | Family Law

Divorcing is hard on adults, but it’s even more difficult on a couple’s children. The kids may feel powerless as their parents try to make decisions about them during the split. 

As a parent, it’s up to you to determine how you can help your children cope with the divorce. Consider these options so you can apply them to your situation. 

1. Remain consistent

Children thrive on consistency, so you must ensure you provide that for them. You can do this by keeping the same activities for them and trying to keep the same schedule as they had before. Having as few changes as possible may help them to feel more secure with the changes.

2. Stay calm

Remaining calm throughout the changes can help you and your children to feel less stressed. It’s especially important when you’re dealing with your ex. All communication should be directly between you and your ex, and it should be respectful. Avoiding contentious discussions and using reasonable conflict resolution tactics may help to keep everything calm for the children.

3. Work as a team

You and your ex should work as a parenting team so the kids can get what they need. This means that you’ll have to attend important events at the same time without bringing up contentious matters. You’ll have to continue to make decisions for the children together. 

Making sure your child has what they need during your divorce is a priority. You can set the stage for this by setting up the parenting plan in a way that puts them first. Working with someone familiar with these situations is beneficial because you can draw from their knowledge of cases similar to yours. 

